Ingredients: Outback - to - Bottle
Kakadu Plum (Terminali Ferdinandiana)
Boasting the highest concentration of natural Vitamin C in the world, the Kakadu Plum is known by Australian Indigenous people as a 'Gift of the Dreamtime'. The Kakadu Plum is roughly 100 times more potent than the Vitamin C content of an orange. The key benefit of natural Vitamin C is that it is absorbed faster and deeper into the bodies cells.
The phytoactives then help to stimulate collagen production, reduce redness/pigmentation and hydrating the skin at a cellular level, reducing the signs of early ageing.
Phytoactive nutrients include: Vitamin C, Gallic acid, Ellagic acid.
Sourced from: Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory.

Davidson Plum (Davidsonia Jerseyana)
An antioxidant powerhouse richer than that of the blueberry! This native Australian Plum packs a punch with many scientifically validated nutrient features including, anti-acne activity, clearing pore blockages & reducing inflammation.
The Davidson Plum is a potent stimulant of human keratinocyte (major skin cell) reproduction and modulates stratum corneum barrier function (preventing skin dehydration). Importantly, the davidson plum has four key phytonutrient compounds that help fight a variety of aggressive skin conditions.
Phytoactive nutrients include: Gallic acid, Tartaric acid, Anthocyanin & Quercetin.
Sourced from: Byron Bay Hinterland.
Emu Apple (Kunzea Pomifera)
The Emu Apple has up to 10 times more antioxidants than blueberries and provide natural waxes that are excellent for skin nourishment.
Containing 9 powerful phytoactive compounds, their synergistic capabilities make it an all-round superfood for the skin. Emu Apple assists with protecting the skin from ageing by strengthening the capillaries and is ideal in evening skin tone and reducing dark circles around the eyes.
Alkaloids & Isohamnetin


Multifunctional and revolutionary in treating problematic skin issues, the Blackwood Wattle delivers a potent range of Flavone Glycosides within its leaf. These powerful compounds deliver antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties that are effective in healing damaged skin cells. Protects the skin from photo-sensativity and boasts neo-collagenesis activity for skin barrier repair and protection.
Phytoactive nutrients include: : Quercetin, Teracacidin, Flavone Glycosides
Sourced From: Eastern Australia
Coastal Fig Leaf
Coastal Fig Leaf boasts various biological activities, such as antibacterial and antifungal properties. The biological compounds found in coastal fig are also found to reduce skin redness, irritation and aid in wound healing (as used my Indigenous Australians for centuries). This powerful fruit reduces membrane liquid peroxidation and DNA damage and helps the development of healthy cellular turnover. Coastal Fig extract reduces coloured pigmentation allowing even skin colour. It is also a humectant, which restores moisture and enhances skin elasticity.
Phytoactive nutrients include: Phenolic acids, Polyphenol,
Amino Acids, Terpenoids
Sourced From: New South Whales